Event Details

FLO Bhubaneswar in collaboration with MSME DFO Cuttack, is organising a MSME Workshop on 31st July 10:00am at Old Auditorium, Academic Block 1, Rama Devi Women's University, BBSR which focusses on onboarding of new business under MSME, Information about MSME schemes & incentives, GEM portal Onboarding, information about Amazon portal onboarding etc. by which your businesses will be eligible to avail many benefits under MSME Registration. Other schemes like credit facilities, Reimbursements of tradefairs, trademark reimbursement, access to national & international trade etc. and through Amazon and GEM Onboarding will help you in better sales and wider reach. Hence request you all to spread the word and register at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScc37DBYXS8NpwrvzObgZ-1nRbOjn5ze0Ocemga15iVTZEGoA/formResponse and give your names for access to the event.


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